Bogeys & Brews Episode 1 – Shrimper Eder’s Bachelor Party

Golfing at Rhodes RanchBy Christian Benitez / August 22, 2023

Rhodes Ranch Golf Club – Las Vegas

In the latest episode of our podcast, we take our listeners on an unforgettable journey through our golfing trip in Las Vegas. As we hit the fairways and navigate the greens, our conversations are laced with laughter, banter, and a fair share of golfing mishaps. The result is a hilarious and engaging podcast episode that captures the camaraderie of good old friends, the passion for golf, and a generous dose of humor.

We begin our episode by discussing the merits and demerits of playing golf with a hangover. This hilarious debate ensues as we nurse our heads on the golf course, with a tongue-in-cheek suggestion of a tequila shot as a potential cure. From tacos to hybrid clubs, our conversation touches upon all the little elements that made our golfing trip a memorable one. We even share an amusing anecdote about a massage request due to a sore back, resulting from the rigors of the sport.

Our podcast is not just about the laughs. It’s also about the lessons we’ve learned from our experiences. We share our insights on the use of hybrid clubs, the difficulties of playing golf post the age of 30, and even our thoughts on the best food at top golf. Each of these conversations is peppered with our unique blend of humor and light-hearted banter, making for an engaging and entertaining listen.

The highlight of the episode is undoubtedly Ben’s triumphant hole-in-one story. We take a moment to relive this momentous event, sharing our joy and excitement with our listeners. We also discuss the comedic reality of what happens when the ball lands in a tricky spot and the subsequent debates on the best course of action.

Rhodes Ranch Golf Club – Las Vegas

But it’s not just about our exploits on the golf course. Our podcast episode also delves into the shenanigans that happened off the greens. From the highs of celebrating a successful shot to the lows of dealing with a hangover, we share it all. We even discuss the idea of getting an IV after a night out and the pros and cons of drinking before hitting the green.

In the end, our podcast episode is a testament to the bonds of friendship, the love for golf, and the unforgettable experiences that such trips offer. We invite our listeners to join us as we tee off on a journey filled with humor, friendly rivalry, and a passion for golf that is truly infectious. Whether you’re an avid golfer or just someone looking for a hearty laugh, this episode has something for everyone.